The next ten years can be the
greatest of your life. They can become a Decade of Destiny, where your life is
focused and, as a result, you're able to make an impact in all you do-Rick
Many times I have lived in the fool’s
paradise. I have had dreams, yes! Great dreams! Others have fades away because
were just illusions but others have been planted in my heart. Thou on others
eye’s they may seem outlandish, I know I will realize them. The difference
between me and them is that I never loss my focus.
This is a proven fact; nothing worth
having ever comes easy. If it did, everyone would live a happy, comfortable
life with no worries or stress. But one certain thing is we have to earn what
we yearn for. The bible tells all the free loaders that ‘whoever does not work
should not eat 2 Thessalonians 3:10. This is the first indicator of success
‘work’ and to make it through just stay ‘focused’
Always have ‘Targets’ what do you want
to achieve? For each set a ‘time limit’ and beat them before the pre- set
deadlines. Monitor your moves and just
think about your own success. What others think may affect you positively or
otherwise. Always pick the positive critique, analyze the negatives and work on...