Friday, 24 August 2012

Nothing is going your way? Just Focus

 The next ten years can be the greatest of your life. They can become a Decade of Destiny, where your life is focused and, as a result, you're able to make an impact in all you do-Rick Warren

Many times I have lived in the fool’s paradise. I have had dreams, yes! Great dreams! Others have fades away because were just illusions but others have been planted in my heart. Thou on others eye’s they may seem outlandish, I know I will realize them. The difference between me and them is that I never loss my focus.

This is a proven fact; nothing worth having ever comes easy. If it did, everyone would live a happy, comfortable life with no worries or stress. But one certain thing is we have to earn what we yearn for. The bible tells all the free loaders that ‘whoever does not work should not eat 2 Thessalonians 3:10. This is the first indicator of success ‘work’ and to make it through just stay ‘focused’

Always have ‘Targets’ what do you want to achieve? For each set a ‘time limit’ and beat them before the pre- set deadlines.  Monitor your moves and just think about your own success. What others think may affect you positively or otherwise. Always pick the positive critique, analyze the negatives and work on...

In memory of…

August is almost gone. So many people have also gone. His Excellency Meles Zenawi, Hon. Martin Shikuku, Mama Josephine Michuki , my dear sisters of Asumbi Girls primary school and the miners that were brutally killed in South Africa, Rest In Peace.

Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
Kijana Wamalwa
Just the other week I shared with you my poem about life, you, Yes! You! This life is for the living. I never take it for granted that I have been able to live to this date. God’s grace and mercies have seen me this far. This month we also commemorate our first president, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, the August rush, took him to the other land. Michael Kijana Wamalwa had just started implementing his policies in Kenya when the August Train carried him away. Kijana you were an icon to remember we venerate you.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi  you may have gone so soon, but history has preserved you in her archives. You have Joined  President John Atta Mills and President Bingu wa Mutharika who went before to say Hi! To the maker. I hear the land beyond is a paradise to behold. All the same, the former ‘African Greats’ fare the well.

Hon. Martin Shikuku you prepared yourself for the land beyond. Dug your grave,left instructions and stated your wish. Your long awaited Journey is here. You fought but the cold hands of death gripped you, 'The peoples watchman' we memorialize you. My old man once said the great rule even beyond. The Eshirembe will in did escort Mwami Skikuku home. Your wish your will lead your way.

Mama Josephine Michuki this is your final rest just tell Hon. Michuki when you see him, the Michuki rules are still intact.

This year alone Kenya has been dealt with a big blow.  We cannot blame death forever. Life is a journey with a destination and the only way to the “other” life is death. In our KENYAN...

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


This is a dedication to my daughter on her fifth birthday. Sweetheart I am not there to celebrate with you this year. One thing you should know though “You rock my planet and make it habitable.”
Oh! Gloria flesh of mine,
Sweet angel baby like none,
Your cry and laugh are joy of mine,
You can count one, two, up to nine!
Up and down you jump for fun,
So full of life this baby of mine,
Every time I look at those eyes sweeter than wine,
I always know that you are the joy of my heart.
© Christine Kasaya

Monday, 13 August 2012

Five years ago, you changed my world.

I wrote this poem to myself when the world criticized me. I took the positive critique and gathered my strength… I STOOD AGAIN. Today I celebrate my daughter’s birthday, she is one reason why I stay focus and stand fast when I stumble. To you dear friend life is not about smooth rides it is about standing again evry time you fall. 

When winds blew so hard,
No shoulder to lean nor support of any hand,
Short skirts, tight trousers’, the church said,
Pretender, hypocrite, fallen one was my brand,
Guilt, regrets, breakdowns were the friends I had,
Could you burry me alive oh thee sand?
Teenage pregnancy, settled on my womb you had,
But you made my mother my best friend,
You gave me my own flesh that I never had,
That healed my soul and gave me a critical mind,
So I thank you so much even if the world thinks I am mad,
Every day I look at you my baby, I have the strength to stand again. 
© Christine Kasaya

Monday, 6 August 2012

Yes! You!

When you feel,  this life is nill,
As you kneel,  praying with all your will,
Hoping you will,  get it all in a swirl,
Then you in real,  realize all drill won’t heal,
Yes! You! Say no to nill,  gather all your will drill till you heal.
© Christine Kasaya

That is what I tell myself, when I gaze and everything frowns back at me. I want to stop, but I have to go own. I feel that scratch will leave a permanent scar, but it will eventually heal. I tell my soul, some days are better than others so let me take one day at a time.
My other name is HOPE, I push beyond limits. That ‘NO’ is ‘YES I CAN’ push that ‘CAN’ till it becomes ‘YES! I MADE IT!’ 

Resilience is my companion, pulls me when I drag. Dear friend, hey you over their! Gather all your will and drill out all nills, make the universe take a bow and say, “hey you, yes! You, you were born a champion."

Memoirs of yesterday

Every day we smile. Our hearts may be broken, devastated with no glimmer of hope. That smile hides the ‘slime’ just the reverse of ‘smile’.

Though we often complain, “this life is hard, the times so tough,” memoirs of yesterday made me realize we live by Grace. A young innocent baby, burnt beyond recognition, the father stands helpless knowing he can’t help. The heart of the young mother is shattered but her scream can’t bring back her son. In her mourning she knows this life is for the living.

That was Sunday, 5th August 2012, in my neighbourhood. As I walked from the scene I made up my mind to forever thank God that I am alive. When it dawns embrace life with gratitude. When it sets just...