Tuesday, 30 April 2013



They say; make lemonades when life gives you lemons,
I say; God give me discernment to see ahead of the lemons.

We say; what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,
I proclaim; I am planted on the rock, I am forever stronger.

They pray; God connect me with the right people,
I pray; dear father give me favour and divine connections.

You ask; is this what destiny holds for you?
I answer; I am divinely protected and supplied.
No destiny obstructers can stand on my way.

Sunday, 17 March 2013


This is my Amazon, it is my jungle,
It isn’t a clear zone, one hell of a bungle,
Not a single direction, each step is a mangle,
I have a destination; dine as the mighty mingle,
Beyond the horizon, is a victorious battle.

Bushes and thickets, thorns and shrubs,
This one needs a machete, that one I will curb,
Axe all this thickets, clear the under-blubs,
Clear is not the thought, it is to clear with a blurb,
Beyond that prospect, I must have a triumphant buck.

I am an eagle, as you run… I soar,
I can see from every angle, the amiable and the sore,
So high not to intermingle, I ascend this rule so rare,
Focus isn’t atypical; it’s all you need to be a singular,
Beyond the notable, I shall be a dominant out-stander.

© Christine Kasaya

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Vote in peace


I have made a vow,
Not to stoop so low,
Let this be my law,
Before I take the final bow,
Not to walk, in the footsteps of my fathers.

We all know the history,
We have read of a voter’s misery,
This is no longer a mystery,
How we voted in ‘transparency’,
This time I vow, never in those footsteps.

Remember ‘mlolongo’ the line?
History has the shortest line won,
How! Was no dilemma of mine,
Why? Was a question out of line,
Low is what I will be, if I trail along those footsteps again.

How we fought for democracy,
Poured out our idiocracy,
With logic they pressed for voter’s independency,
So that we could choose without discrepancy,
You don’t need to ask? These are the footsteps I would follow.

The most recent was not a hitch,
We shed blood because of ‘some’ speech,
We slay and fought because of a switch,
 And forgot the peace we preach,
At the rooftops I will shout; never in those footsteps of hate.

Now we see crops of coalitions,
We first thought those were perfect coordination,
We envisioned us soaring with ‘their’ cooperation,
But the blame game is ‘their best’ harmonization,
Why ask for my choice? Never in the footsteps of mystification.

The battle of words isn’t the best of quote,
We are voters not just “that’ lot,
We have seen the work and the loot,
And we hold the choice by the vote,
Today I chose a new path, with the power of my vote.
             © Christine Kasaya

By Christine Wakanyi Kasaya

Sunday, 24 February 2013


 Potentiality is the ability to discover your
God given talents, maximizing on them for your destiny actualization.

God has deposited in us gifts and talents. When we discover them, we are set on the right route towards great achievements. If you discover your gold mine (gifts) you will never have to worry of what the future holds. What we actually need are visions that would drive us the extra mile. The bible in proverbs 29:18 says many people perish because they lack a vision.

Attitudes are mental preferences that either makes a person hopeful or hopeless. Wrong mentalities drive us to desperation and vanity. It is important to be of sound mind and always to put our faith in God first. 

Discovering your potential

Have good friends- good friends are essential to nurturing gifts and talents. They protect you and advice you time and again. Always remember bad company corrupts good morals. That means if you are an eagle don’t scavenge with hawks they may ends up making a meal out of you. A true friend will always stand by you just like Jonathan and David in 1 Samuel 20.

Destiny regeneration- this requires a person who is focused on his ...

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


There is this old tradition among the selected few that is resurfacing as a new character. Do I call it a character, behavior or belief? Whichever! It comes with quire tags, so and so can’t own that it ought to be mine, yours? Huh!

Not so much of a thought, mmmhh!  But that is were Jealousy begins. It all begins with individuals who believe the entire universe rotates around them. All they do is want, want and WANT!

I bought this beautiful pair of shoes (for mimi of course) it really hit me hard when I was told by someone so dear that she could just pay me to have them, reason they suited her, mmhh! Why not me? When I bought them I loved them and they had a place in my wardrobe. I was left thinking I ‘ant I entitled to anything good? 

I asked God for grace, A LOT. I tell my siblings to always ask me anything without fear i always give when I can. One thing though, if a friend asked for a token if I don’t give,  man! The guilt will slain me. I hate guilt, I really do, that is why as an individual I can’t complete a white lie.

I also don’t like harboring resentment and the filling of being used or just being insufficient.  That is why I always ask God to create me a giving heart. My condition has always been to possess that ability to say ...