Thursday, 13 September 2012


Life takes different perspectives, depending on how one was brought up. So many times we hear people say “I don’t blame him; I question his up-bringing. “  Now, that is not a compliment!

How we adopt to different environments is nurtured but how we relate to them is in-breed.  Childhood development determines future peculiarities.

Last weekend I attended an authoritative Christian conference. Oh! My! Those were not just ministers but servants of God with an overwhelming anointing. Let as check how God mould us Christians in likely-hood of our daily activities. 

A Christian is like wheat. We grow with lots of tares around us, while wheat matures and dries tares remain green hence easy to separate. When growing up in salvation some Christians are set apart while others just survive.

Drying of wheat symbolizes the time to shed off husks. These husks may be our friends or peculiar traits that are not Christ like. We then go through a crushing period in our lives. This may be the moment’s you feel so walked all over but you just hold on.

Such situations refine us. That reminds me of Zechariah 13:9 I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will...

 answer them. I will say, 'These are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.'"  That tells us hard times mould us to vessels ready to be used by God.

Refining makes us ready for use; from wheat to flour. Time for actual molding, the kneading, stretching and thumbing isn’t the best depiction of how situation deal with us. Hey sister! Hallo brother! those are the times you are particularly fighting with situations. One issue comes before it’s gone another one is punching you. This are the times my mother would say, the kingdom of the lord is suffering violence and if you are a believer take it by force.
I say God is merciful, after such experiences just like dough; he lets the yeast rise in you.  When you are thinking it’s all over, men! The refiner’s fire pap! When God lifts you from their as ready bread, he only breaks you and presents you to the nations.

Moral lesson: Next time you feel some situation are so hard, thank Jesus. You are just being molded for your actual use. Refiners’ fires in our lives may be harsh but remember, God makes us pass though what he knows we can bear. By the time you are ready, dearest you are awesome glorious.