Friday, 14 September 2012


In the pursuit of life,
In the race and the strife,
We hope for the best,
Even when we see the worst,
We pursue dreams and visions,
Even when others are imaginary missions,
I can say yesterday I failed,
But I can also say today I conceded,
I see them cry for the rain,
Yet we see them devastated by the rain,
Since when did problems become solutions?

With all the sagas to quench ambitions!
I wonder…in this pursuit,
Will I win without a suit?
Do I see religious terror?
Even with the globalization era?
I may say I am set apart,
But when they ask …what is your part?
The solution or the problem?
Any part Inclusive of I cannot blame,
I have to dream and push, dare and pursue till…
I achieve the pursuit of my life to the fill.
© Christine Kasaya