Monday 13 August 2012

Five years ago, you changed my world.

I wrote this poem to myself when the world criticized me. I took the positive critique and gathered my strength… I STOOD AGAIN. Today I celebrate my daughter’s birthday, she is one reason why I stay focus and stand fast when I stumble. To you dear friend life is not about smooth rides it is about standing again evry time you fall. 

When winds blew so hard,
No shoulder to lean nor support of any hand,
Short skirts, tight trousers’, the church said,
Pretender, hypocrite, fallen one was my brand,
Guilt, regrets, breakdowns were the friends I had,
Could you burry me alive oh thee sand?
Teenage pregnancy, settled on my womb you had,
But you made my mother my best friend,
You gave me my own flesh that I never had,
That healed my soul and gave me a critical mind,
So I thank you so much even if the world thinks I am mad,
Every day I look at you my baby, I have the strength to stand again. 
© Christine Kasaya