Saturday 30 August 2014


#Day5 #ThankyouGod

Wow! The discipline of persistence and consistence has enabled be finish the #gratitudechallenge. Thank you Poetìc Eve for nominating me. Congratulations to Princess and Miriam taking up the challenge. Today I am grateful to God. The far I have come father Jehovah you are Ebenezer.

1. I thank God for the gift of life. Life is precious, sometimes I see road accident on Thika Road, I feel bad for this people but I count my blessings. God I am grateful for life. I will write a book about my salvation from the jaws of death ( stay Tuned)

2. I am healthy. The only time I have been to a hospital this year was for a tooth excavation. I don't know what it means to be admitted. God it's only your grace and mercies that has kept me this fine. Father receive all the Glory.

3. I am intelligent and I know it. Father I credit it to you. You have given me the ability to impact other peoples life positively. Thank you for favour and for giving me the ability to always spring back. I give all the glory to God. I am whom I am because of you.

In the same spirit of today I nominate Wa Nyambu Hope, Asena Samuel Mwinamo and Stan Casyer to participate in this challenge. 5 days, 3 things you are grateful about. Nominate 3 people to take part.


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